Saturday, September 8, 2007


Hola! My name is Britta. This is a school blog, but I also have a personal blog that really doesn't count because I haven't posted since June 2, so it won't really be all that current. This blog has a terribly boring name if you ask me, but I don't think I am allowed to change it. *humph*... Oh, well, I guess.

Hmmm... What shall I write about? Well, the first week of school was all right, you know, same old, same old, permision slips, papers that need signing, etc. I like all my teachers all right. I can't believe that we have to do two lessons of math HW for every class. Otherwise, though, my classes are above average, but not as good as last year. Oh, well.

Anyway, if you consider that interesting, i have nothing interesting left to say. If you think that was the most boring thing you ever read, I still have nothing left to say.
